الأربعاء، 15 يونيو 2011

Never End

There I was with my forehead on the floor praying for Allah, I did not think of getting up. I thought that I'll just pray and enjoy it. You know what happened? I did enjoy it all. All of these "I don’t know what's wrong with me" thoughts had just vanished away. They were gone in seconds when all I had to do is pray and never think of ending that prayer.
This is how everything in our lives works. This is what I and I'm sure many others have been doing. We start a course at school and think of the final grades not on the course itself. We start a dream of ours and all what we think about is the results of that dream. You know what I have witnessed in that prayer? it was the magic of now. It was the beauty of it. It took all of my worries and just threw them very far away. It told them to go and never come back because I'm too busy to think of them. Too busy with what's going on "now" rather than when is the deadline for this? Or what is the coming event? I lived in that loop for so long and never ended up to a conclusion, because I was always thinking of how and when would the now event END, and I would just spoil the pleasure of it.
I say: never update your status on the next event, just keep it in the agenda and go for it when it is time for it. Never end whatever that is that's happening now, because if it's meant to end, it will end by itself. You don’t have to worry about this part of it. Just get as much as you can from the NOW 'cause it is the only thing that you have in hand ;)

الجمعة، 18 فبراير 2011

"علمتني الحياة"

سأستقي من دجى الأيام علما ،، و أخط من علومها قلما ،،
و أرحل ،، أسكب العلم في قراب الطالبينا ،،
و أسقي كل عطشان من علوم العارفينا ،،
يا صروفي ،، يا شديده ،، علمينا علمينا ،،
ان لم تكوني – صروفي- في عداد القاتلينا ،،
فالزاد منك سُقاه ،، و الحق صار مبينا ،،